
From Beyond Social

Testing Cargo

Cargo is a Mediawiki extension. [1]

How to use Cargo ?

  1. Create a Class: Special:CreateClass. I made these pages: Form:Frictionary Template:Frictionary Category:Frictionary.
  2. Create a database table at the Template page that was just created, by clicking "Create data table" in the menu: Template:Frictionary.
  3. Use the Cargo query at some page. An example: {{#cargo_query:tables=Books|fields=_pagename=Keyword,short_description}|format=table}}

Write Cargo data structures






The main Cargo magic is happening in the Template. This is where the data structure is declared, stored and then structured according to the way it should be displayed when this template is used within a page.

Note: The declare and store functions are only written to the database after clicking the write table or recreate data in the main menu on the right.

Quering Cargo data




Cargo on this wiki

We use Cargo to create and store the data structure of the Frictionary. Read more about this on this page: Frictionary.

Probably we will also start to use Cargo for the articles/pages on this wiki that are created through a form. But we're not there yet.