View table: Frictionary

Table structure:

  • shortDescription - String
  • longDescription - Text
  • year - List of String

This table has 93 rows altogether.

Page shortDescription longDescription year
Category:Activism 2018
Category:Advertising 2018
Category:Aesthetics 2018
Category:Animation 2018
Category:Architecture 2018
Category:Asynchronous Teaching Instructors prepare course materials for students in advance of students’ access. Students may access the course materials at a time of their choosing and will interact with each over a longer period of time. Source: Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption 2020
Category:Audiovisual Design What does this mean? I have no idea. I think it means filmmaking. Or audiovisual production. Why does it have to be design? I dunno, maybe because Northern Europe? Is the NL Northern Europe? Northern Central Europe? Asking for a friend. 2018
Category:Bottom-up 2018
Category:Caremongering The opposite of scaremongering. To get people to connect on a positive level, to connect with each other.<br><br> Also, to insist upon carework when one is not capacitated for giving it or when the object of care is unwilling to engage in intimacy, thus leading to forms of oppression masked as caring. THIS. 2020
Category:Circularity 2018
Category:Close Contact Being within two meters of someone, or two seats between you and another person on planes, trains, etc, & living with or caring for a person Source: "What Should I Do? An Illustrated Corona Virus Advice Flowchart. 2020
Category:Commons 2018
Category:Community 2018
Category:Corn Teen How people who don’t know how to spell write "quarantine". 2020
Category:Corona Spitters People who cough or spit in the face of police officers and threaten to corona infection. 2020
Category:Covid: The Ethical Disease Covid: The Ethical Disease by Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos • 13 March 2020 removing oneself from the mania of ‘progress’: 2020
Category:Covidiot 1. a stupid person, who stubbornly ignores 'social distancing' protocol, thus helping to further spread COVID-19.<br> ex. 'Are you seriously going to visit grandma? Dude, don't be such a covidiot.'<br> 2. a stupid person who hoards groceries, needlessly spreading COVID-19 fears and depriving others of vital supplies. <br> ex. 'See that guy with the 200 toilet paper rolls? What a covidiot.' 2020
Category:Cultural Diversity Social Practices Minor Cultural Diversity questions systems of living together; it focuses on the globalising and urbanising world. It unravels cultural, economic, political and social structures in order to create images or interventions that influence the sensations or behaviours of ‘local’ citizens of the world. 2020
Category:Democracy 2018
Category:Discourse 2018
Category:Distance Education Covers the various forms of study at all levels which are not under the continuous, immediate supervision of tutors present with their students in lecture rooms or on the same premises, but which, nevertheless, benefit from the planning, guidance and tuition of a tutorial organization. 2020
Category:Diversity 2018
Category:Doomsurfing deep, morbid, rabbit holes falling into deep, morbid rabbit holes filled with coronavirus content, agitating myself to the point of physical. discomfort, erasing any hope of a good night's sleep. 2020
Category:E2E End to end encrypted 2020
Category:Economy 2018
Category:Education 2018
Category:Embedded Research 2018
Category:Emergency remote teaching A temporary shift of instructional delivery to an alternate delivery mode due to crisis circumstances. It involves the use of fully remote teaching solutions for instruction or education that would otherwise be delivered face-to-face or as blended courses and that will return to that format once the crisis or emergency has abated. 2020
Category:Empowerment 2018
Category:Exclusion 2018
Category:Failures 2018
Category:Fashion 2018
Category:Fine Art 2018
Category:Flattening the Curve The idea is that we reduce the rate of infection through the population which spreads out the time of the pandemic but, most critically, the number of sick at any one time. The rationale for this is that it is very costly to have a high number of sick people at one time. This goes for providing essential economic services but, as this diagram shows, it is really all about health care system capacity. As Italy has shown us, people die essentially because they cannot get hospital-level care. If the infection rate is too high, health care capacity becomes quickly overwhelmed and doctors have to engage in triage, a word which now means choosing who will live and who will die. Source: 2020
Category:FLOSS or F/LOSS Free/Libre Open Source Software 2020
Category:Food 2018
Category:Frictionary Frictious dictionary A glossary or dictionary of words with definitions that are not intended to be static. As the meaning of words destabilize with popular usage, so does the frictionary accept and welcome contradiction, revision, addition, division, compositionism, entropy, and redundancy. The only guiding principle of the frictionary is that previous definitions, however erroneous, must not be erased. Errors are welcome for many reasons, and most especially because they are monuments to what is a continuous process of learning in common. 2020
Category:Gamification 2018
Category:GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
Category:Graphic Design 2018
Category:Health 2018
Category:Herd Immunity A euphemism for epidemiological neoliberalism. Much like the unconditional belief in the free market, herd immunity relies on the assumption that an epidemic is best overcome by leaving it unregulated. But just like neoliberalism, it results in violence against the weak and the poor: elderly and disabled people, homeless people, refugees and people with severe health conditions – many of whom are likely to also have a lower socio-economic status because of the correlation between poverty and illness. Source: 2020
Category:High Risk Area A region, country or city where is reported to have sustained transmission, or community spread Source: "What Should I Do? An Illustrated Corona Virus Advice Flowchart. 2020
Category:Identity 2018
Category:Illustration 2018
Category:Impact 2018
Category:Leisure 2018
Category:Lifestyle 2018
Category:LitCovid National Center for Biotechnology Information, USA "LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 1475 (and growing) relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access." 2020
Category:Maskne Breakouts on the lower part of the face linked to mask-wearing. 2020
Category:Media Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The term refers to components of the mass media communications industry, such as print media, publishing, the news media, photography, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), and advertising.(from Wikipedia) 2018
Category:Methods 2018
Category:Nature 2018
Category:New Earth Social Practices Minor New Earth questions sustainability paradigms like the circular economy and researches equitable development in the wake of climate change, looking towards design as a political act that might reformulate related global power structures. 2020
Category:Open Design 2018
Category:Ownership 2018
Category:Pandemic Maintenance The phenomenon by which people are engaging in self and home improvement in times of home isolation. The pause gives you time to attend to these things. 2020
Category:Participation 2018
Category:Pedagogy 2018
Category:Performance 2018
Category:Performative Action Social Practices Minor Performative Action experiments with forms of embodied collective action and community building. This minor explores notions of the performative—or that which effects change—by looking at alternative forms of pedagogy, protest and conviviality (forms of co-existence) at the intersection of art and social engagement. It is committed to critical practices of care and the political value of the everyday. 2020
Category:Photography 2018
Category:Politics 2018
Category:Power 2018
Category:Power Play 2019
Category:Powerplay Social Practices Minor Powerplay focuses on understanding the rules that govern institutions, human behaviour, and power, offering insight on how to subvert and critique the status quo through the notion of critical play. 2020
Category:PPE Personal protective equipment Refers to items such as masks, gowns, gloves, and other protective gear worn by medical professionals or other workers whose labor exposes them to hazardous elements or situations. 2020
Category:Product Design 2018
Category:Projects 2018
Category:Proprietary Refers to proprietary software, or closed-source software, where the developer does not share the source code and tends to leverage whatever product they are selling for maximum capitalist gain. Basically, corporate spyware. Just saying... 2020
Category:Radmin Radical administration This definition is lifted from this webpage ( ), which describes a coterminous summit held on Feb 14, 15 & 16th, 2019. RADMIN is hosted by the Cube Microplex (Bristol), Feb 14, 15 & 16th, 2019. It's a summit in which we will reconsider the 'dull' spaces of administration, managing, trading and maintenance, not as a set of largely hostile impediments which invade or co-opt arts practice but as sites for critical and creative enquiry, radical histories, experiments, politics, wild imaginaries and meaningful work. Gathering in formal and social situations, the base for this entirely reasonable and perception-breaking assembly is the wilful and adhocratic Cube Cinema, which has been self-organising for 20 years and first coined the term 'Radmin'. During workshops, talks, performances, projected informations and entertainments we will take an artist-led and speculative approach to rethink how we (as individuals and organisations) can do business. RADMIN will draw on the rich history of the Cube as a place where creative experiments in IT, HR, bar management, account-keeping, revenue and organisational form have always been core to the project. The summit's programme will feature exemplary alternative business practices, guest appearance from celebrity administrators, creative application writing, infrastructure tours, monetary experiments, organisational portraiture and a deep collective examination of how business - in the arts and beyond - could be different. WITH: The Ad Hoc Collective, 3 Stages of Succession, Bristol Co-operative Gym, Centre for Plausible Economies, Company Drinks, Cube Cinema, CUPS (Creative University Professional Services), Different Space, Drawing Exchange, Feral Trade, FoAM, The Incidental Unit, Institute for Experiments with Business, IRATIONAL.ORG, Legal Eagles, Polar Produce, Plumbmaid, Richard Youngs, The School for Organizing, UWE Business School, Viriconium Palace AND OTHERS. Downloads from the summit: Compiled by Feral Business Research Network, which brings together radical economic scholars, artist-organisers, business operators and other researchers around this urgent question. At a time when ‘business as usual’ has been cast broadly into doubt, we investigate how artists might be mobilised to design new, wild and experimental shapes in business and enterprise for a radically reimagined economy. Radmin Reader 2019: Radmin Reader 2020: 2020
Category:Referent Power The ability of a teacher/individual to establish strong interpersonal connection with a student or student cohort. Not mentioned anywhere in this pad yet, but it's an interesting sociological term I just read about today. I guess it's going to be a thing, how to maintain referent power while disembodied. 2020
Category:Reframing 2018
Category:Representation 2018
Category:Self Isolation Stay indoors and completely avoid contact with other people. Stay away from family members, including pets and call ahead before visiting the doctor. Wear a face mask Source: "What Should I Do? An Illustrated Corona Virus Advice Flowchart.
Category:Situationer A publication, coming soon in 2020 A document written in times of crisis or disaster or sensitive maneouvering. Describes the conditions, concerns, difficulties, and active tactics faced on the ground, intending to give the lay of the land for a complex situation. This term was popularized in the Philippines during the dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. Pirate published situationers were circulated by different activist groups. This term continues to be used in political, aid, and civil society language in the Philippines today. Unsure of its origin or use in other countries. Google searching only brings up hits in the PH. 2020
Category:Social Distancing Avoid mass gatherings and maintain a two meter distance from others ––– please note: THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THIS MOMENT. Self isolate. <======There are extenuating, particular, and grave circumstances that sometimes (not always) make 100% self-isolation impossible for some people. I do agree with you to a great extent though triggered by all caps yelling. Source: "What Should I Do? An Illustrated Corona Virus Advice Flowchart. 2020
Category:Spatial Design 2018
Category:SPIN ''SPIN IS THE WDKA CLIMATE GROUP'' Welcome! SPIN is so glad you're here, here in her web which is spun from the bottom up- please feel free to stick around for a while, weave yourself in! SPIN spins webs to catch green projects within the academy that wants to grow beyond assignments and accomplish lasting change while connecting with likeminded spirits. Originally she grew out from [[Erasmus Change|ERASMUS CHANGE]] and today she considers herself its artsy and unconformist sister. You might find her tending the [[Rooftop Garden|rooftop garden]], plundering the trash bunker or downing laced beetroot juice with the [[XR 010|rebellion]] in the cellar. Although for a sober overview of her position see her [ Manifesto] While SPIN loves action she also sometimes enjoys to just bide her time together with her friends. A web spun well equally supports a multitude of butts and like a family sized hammock swung between wise trees it can be a place to exchange ideas, recipes and resources, complain about the weather, speculate about cybernetic gardens or exchange the most fertile tomato seeds. And if there's a thread missing she encourages you to knit it in! ''ETYMOLOGY'' SPIN is an abbreviation for SymPoeitic InterraNet. Sympoeitic: pertains to sympoeisis. from old greek, Sym -'with, in company with, together with' and Poeisis - 'creation, production' = act of 'making with' Interranet is a wordplay on internet and terra. which makes SPIN '''A SPIDER THAT SPINS EARTHBOUND NETWORKS WITH OTHERS''' 'But can we say that the spider’s project is to weave its web? I don’t think so. We might as well say that the web’s project is to be woven.' -Fernand Deligny ([ The Arachnean]) To stay up to date, join the [ WhatsApp group] 2018
Category:Strategies 2018
Category:Sustainability 2018
Category:Synchronous Teaching Instructors and students gather at the same time and interact in “real time” with a very short or “near-real time” exchange between instructors and students. 2020
Category:Systems 2018
Category:Technology 2018
Category:Thick Institution vs Thicc Institution Large, corpo-conglomerate type institutions thick with multiple levels of departmental structure, large staff counts, etc..., and most importantly, bogged down by interdependent, obtuse bureaucratic procedures. This kind of bureacracy is inevitable as institutions scale up in size and have to standardize operations to protect larger and larger need structures. It is somewhat necessary (?) for a large institution to be thick. but how can me go from thick to thicc, juicy, supple, generative, curvy (as opposed to linear and frail) institutions? 2020
Category:Transformation 2018
Category:Trickle-down Fear (Thick) Institutional fear-mongering, passed down from tier to tier, expecting the chain of command to be motivated by fear of major consequences alone, without care being taken to mitigate catastrophe anxiety. At some point, this structural fear must be metabolized into a humane response. Refusing to perpetuate trickle-down fear protect's the institution's frontliners/first responders from being paralyzed by robotic scripts that are not flexible enough to deal with (crisis) on the ground realities. Institutional frontliners need agency, trust, and support from their suprastructures to enact solutions AND commit mistakes without excessive fear of punitive measures (to borrow from military terms: court martialling). Some mistakes are inevitable in crisis situations, where bullet-proof, tried-and-tested safety scripts are not always possible. 2020
Category:Urbanisation 2018
Category:Visions 2018
Category:White Hat Troll A hunter of black hat trolls with an ethico-moral code Engages in trench warfare on social media comment feeds, seeking out and engaging (relentlessly) with fascist, misogynist, and otherwise anti-social/xenophobic/disinformational black hat trolls. Lives by motto "You must stoop to conquer." Doesn't believe they're "too good" for popular discourse or mass platforms, understanding the possibility of de-Facebooking as somewhat of a luxury that not everyone can afford. Terminology borrowed from hacker vocabulary (nefarious black hat hackers who destroy digital society, somewhat shady gray hats who say they are on the side of justice but perhaps use questionable techniques or are mercenaries for hire, and white hats who supposedly use their forces only for "good" but can also be kinda mercenaries for hire).
Category:Whiteness 2018
Category:Zoombombing Hackers breaking into your Zoom call and, amongst other things, taking control of the screen to screen random disruptive images, scream racial slurs, stream pornography. On the rise now that Zoom is fast becoming the medium of choice for large online group gatherings. 2020
Main Page Frictious dictionary A glossary or dictionary of words with definitions that are not intended to be static. As the meaning of words destabilize with popular usage, so does the frictionary accept and welcome contradiction, revision, addition, division, compositionism, entropy, and redundancy. The only guiding principle of the frictionary is that previous definitions, however erroneous, must not be erased. Errors are welcome for many reasons, and most especially because they are monuments to what is a continuous process of learning in common. 2020