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From Beyond Social
(THE CIVIC ECONOMY masterclass)
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[[File:brienenoord.jpg|Eiland van Brienenoord|300px]]
|Caption=Eiland van Brienenoord
|Summary=Just a few minutes outside the concrete jungle of Rotterdam Zuid, there's still a tiny piece of green situated beneath 'de van Brienenoord brug' on the Nieuwe Maas River. Most of the island is still untouched nature. To maintain a little human control, there are a few Schotse Hooglanders (Scottish Highland cows) placed on the island to graze.
|Article=Authors: Wessel van den Berge, Lou Muuse, Gabriëlla Meijer, Kai Chung, Dennis Wuisman and Carli Schenkeveld
===A public 'free haven' for the civic economy?===
Underneath one of the biggest bridges across the River Maas, a beautiful island houses wild nature, garden allotments and a former youth club house: 'De Arend en de Zeemeeuw'. [http://demakersvanrotterdam.nl/ De Makers van Rotterdam] and [http://www.sandersgeluk.nl/ Sandersgeluk] current manage this clubhouse. They plan to use the location as a work space, but more importantly as a public 'free haven' with tremendous potential: a place where the powers of social and cultural imagination are brought together. During the Willem de Kooning Academy's Redesigning Business Event (November 2014), this idea of a free haven for 'makers', 'thinkers', 'doers' and 'dreamers' was further explored during a five day long masterclass on the Eiland van Brienenoord itself.
Eiland van Brienenoord was created in the 19th century, when sludge plates where formed in the Nieuwe Maas. These plates grew and became attached to each other and started to be overgrown with reeds and bushes. Over time a wide variety of plants, trees, flowers and bushes grew, which eventually made the island highly suitable as a home for birds, butterflies and insects. Together the plants & animals sustain a little ecosystem on the island which is still largely intact. All of this, from the sudden emergence of an island and it eventually harbouring a lovely piece of untouched nature, make Eiland van Brienenoord a pretty unique spot in an ever growing city like Rotterdam. In the course of the 20th century, part of the island was reserved for allotments to give the residents of Rotterdam enjoyable gardens. This is fitting for a city where 68% of the housing consists of apartments.
'''Hosted and guided by Isaac Monté (Sweatshop Deluxe) and Maurice Specht (De Makers van Rotterdam)Organised by Jessica Bergmann (Pink Pony Express)Location: Clubhouse “De Arend en de Zeemeeuw”[http://maatschappelijkvastgoedbeweegt.blogspot.nl/2013/03/de-arend-en-de-zeemeeuw-gedreven-om-een.html], Eiland Van Brienenoord 5 (Van Brienenoord Island[http://www.natuurvereniging-ijsselmonde.nl/eropuit/brienenoord2.php]), Rotterdam.'''
[[File:eiland2.jpg|View on the Van Brienenoord bridge]]
In many cities, we are increasingly witnessing the emergence of new forms of ownership: the consumer society is turning into a civic economy. In recent years in Rotterdam, a number of social initiatives and subsidy-free enterprises have been founded, such as Hotspot Hutspot, Leeszaal West and Sweatshop Deluxe. What are the possibilities offered by these new initiatives for the development of new business models?
[[File:eiland3.jpg|Under the van Brienenoord bridge]]
'''A public ‘free haven’ for the civic economy'''
Maurice Specht, one of the founders of De Makers van Rotterdam, sees Eiland van Brienenoord as the perfect place to withdraw from the harsh, noisy and rapid city life. Isolated from what is going on in downtown Rotterdam, the island is really tranquil. A true oasis of peace where you can enjoy birds whistling and the smell of fresh air. That said, you can still see the Kop van Zuid's skyline & hear the traffic passing over the Van Brienenoord Bridge in the background. But the daily city life is left behind on the other side of the island's drawbridge. It seems an ideal place to talk, reflect and debate modern day society, given that it is almost the opposite environment from where you see the city from another perspective. Maurice asked the participants of the masterclass to come up with innovative ways to make this island useful in this debate, without damaging the grounds and changing it radically. To turn it into a haven for creative, social and business entrepreneurs and everyone else who has input to the concept. He set some guidelines including two key principles: one, there should be room for doubt & two, it should 'tot de verbeelding spreken' (be visually appealing).  
Citizens’ collectives are expected to more or less independently tackle social challenges. Often this work is done by people who just happened to be there. They do the best they can, which is often enough. But where can they go to develop their competences and insights? What kind of infrastructure would it take to help them? In this master class, you will be developing a free haven for ‘makers’ and ‘doers’. The focus is on solving social issues through social, cultural and artistic interventions.
De Makers van Rotterdam[http://demakersvanrotterdam.nl/] and Sandersgeluk are currently managing the clubhouse ‘De Arend en de Zeemeeuw’ on Van Brienenoord Island. They plan to use this location for their offices, and more importantly as a public ‘free haven’ with a tremendous potential: a place where the powers of social and cultural imagination are brought together. This location will serve as our real-world case, as well as the work location for this master class. The managers of the clubhouse will be your hosts and guest experts. They are still in the early stages of this process, therefore the questions they will be proposing are still broad and general. They are looking for people with imagination: that’s you. The question they are asking is: how do you picture the ideal ‘free haven’, where the civic economy can be developed? And what are the relevant creative business models?
==== Facilitating the emerging civic economy in Rotterdam ====
Many cities are increasingly witnessing the emergence of new forms of ownership: the consumer society is turning into a civic economy. In recent years in Rotterdam, a number of social initiatives and subsidy-free enterprises have been founded such as [http://hotspothutspot.nl/ Hotspot Hutspot], [http://www.leeszaalrotterdamwest.nl/ Leeszaal Rotterdam West] and [http://www.sweatshopdeluxe.com/shop Sweatshop Deluxe]. Neighbourhood initiatives like [https://www.facebook.com/zorgvrijstaat Zorgvrijstaat Rotterdam West], strive for more autonomy from citizens. They want to make people aware, stimulate them and guide them to create networks to solve their own problems. Their focus is on solving social issues through social, cultural and artistic interventions. Wouldn't it be nice if these initiatives could take some distance from their field of work, live in a different environment with different disciplines in order to reflect, gain new insights and develop their competences every once in a while?  
The clubhouse ‘De Arend en de Zeemeeuw’ on the romantic Van Brienenoord Island will become your inspiring work environment for one week.
Both De Makers van Rotterdam as well as Sanders Geluk intend to facilitate this process on Eiland van Brienenoord. The mission of De Makers van Rotterdam is to identify and strengthen social entrepreneurship in Rotterdam, and to stimulate discussion on the subject. The team consists of a philosopher, a public administrator and a cultural programmer. [http://www.sandersgeluk.nl/ Makerscollectief Sandersgeluk] puts together social projects in the broadest sense of the term, and consists of a theatre producer, a visual artist and the same cultural programmer mentioned above.
Additional information:
===The Year of Doubt===
The masterclass participants, coming from different educational institutes in Rotterdam, proposed 'doubt' as the central theme for the development of the island. The reason for this is that there seems to be no room for doubt in our society: you're expected to make convincing decisions. And if you don't, you're considered weak. Think about how we judge politicians, scientists and business people. A lot of contemporary companies and organisations try to solve problems by using old methods. Wouldn't it be nice if they would just admit that they can't solve some problems? If there's more room for doubt, for "not-knowing" there's room for creativity, coming from all kinds of disciplines. New collaborations could arise that could to search for new methods to tackle these obstacles. A doubt oriented development would consist of different steps. The first steps take place in the first year, the Year of the Doubt. There are three steps in this year.
'''De Makers van Rotterdam''' sees it as its mission to identify and strengthen social entrepreneurship in Rotterdam, and to stimulate discussion on the subject. The team consists of a philosopher, a public administrator and a cultural programmer.
====Step 1: Urban Myth, a Pull Strategy====
'''Makerscollectief Sandersgeluk'''[http://www.sandersgeluk.nl/] puts together social projects in the broadest sense of the term, and consists of a theatre producer, a visual artist and the same cultural programmer mentioned above.
We want to reach a broad target group comprising business people, creatives, politicians, craftsmen and scientists. Our goal is to get these people together on the island to share their knowledge with each other using doubt as a means. Using the mystery and unfamiliarity of the island, we propose to create a hype. By creating an urban myth, we want to make people curious and allow them to give their own interpretation of what's going on. We will issue three press releases. The first one's about new valuable material being found on the island, which metaphorically refers to discovering the value of doubt. The next two will be about activity and discovery, and will make the mystery more convincing and therefore make readers even more curious.
'''Sweatshop Deluxe'''[http://www.sweatshopdeluxe.com/home] is a Rotterdam-based design label with its own production workshops. The label provides young designers with an opportunity to manufacture their designs. Sweatshop Deluxe stands for Design with a capital D, manufactured according to social principles. Each Sweatshop Deluxe product is unique: hand-made, in limited editions, and designed by promising young designers. The products are manufactured by people who are otherwise unable, for a variety of reasons, to participate in the regular labour market. Sweatshop Deluxe uses wherever possible sustainable or recycled materials.
Vastgeroeste bedrijven en organisaties zitten in een tunnelvisie en proberen hun problemen op te lossen met oude methodes. Organisaties moeten soms toegeven dat ze de oplossing niet weten, ook al maakt dat het ongemakkelijk voor henzelf. Juist door het proces van probleemoplossing open te stellen en samen te twijfelen kunnen we tot nieuwe methodes komen voor het aanpakken van problemen. Door te twijfelen maak je het probleem veel groter en diverser wat leidt tot ruimte voor meer inzichten en invalshoeken uit verscheidene disciplines.
====Step 2: The Game, a Kick-off====
Maurice Specht heeft de sleutel gekregen tot het eiland van Brienenoord. Verzin een toepassing voor het eiland zonder dat het het eiland schaadt.<br/> Creeër een vrijplaats voor denkers (en doeners) rondom de stad.
[[File:Brug.jpg|Start van de game]]
[[File:gameuitleg2.jpg|Time's ticking away slowly. When the clock reaches "00:00:00", the bridge will fall down and the participants can enter the island. Once they've all entered, the bridge rises again, so the entire island becomes isolated. Let the game begin!]]
Op het '''Eiland van Brienenoord[http://www.zuidhollandslandschap.nl/natuur-bij-u-in-de-buurt/natuurgebieden/eiland-van-brienenoord/]''' wordt ruimte gemaakt voor twijfelaars. Je mag op deze plek twijfelen aan alles. Je stelt jezelf op in een kwetsbare positie op het eiland, zonder dat het je hier schaadt. Er ontstaat een vertrouwelijke band en meer respect voor elkaar. Dit staat in contrast met een stedelijke omgeving, waar je niet mag twijfelen. Je moet normaal gesproken altijd een keuze maken. In onze maatschappij staat twijfelen voor zwakte terwijl het een krachtig middel kan zijn. Er ontstaat door twijfel mogelijkheid voor experiment. Een [[twijfel]] kan je nieuwe inzichten geven met betrekking tot de aanpak van problemen. Door het combineren van kennis van mensen uit verschillende disciplines kan je de huidige oplossingen voor bestaande problemen in twijfel trekken. Vervolgens kijk je samen naar een oplossing voor het daadwerkelijke probleem. Kennis is macht, [[twijfel]] is kracht.
At the beginning each participant will get a controller. The controller will ask several questions about the island. Once all these questions have been answered, the controller will lead you to a place on the island by using vibrations. When the controller lights up, you've reached your goal. Here you will meet other participants. Different structures built on the island act as metaphors for different kinds of doubts and serve to kick-off the next phase. They are physical dynamic structures that change form to accommodate different kinds of doubt.
==Het jaar van de [[twijfel]]==
[[File:huisjes.jpg|Examples: Objects of doubt]]
Binnen het jaar van de twijfel gaan we in drie stappen te werk. We willen een zo breed mogelijke doelgroep bereiken van onder andere zakenmensen, creatieven, politici, bouwvakkers, wetenschappers. Het doel is hierin om deze brede groep elkaar te laten ontmoeten en hier het delen van kennis uit te laten voortvloeien met twijfel als middel.
====Step 3: Programming essential themes ====
===Stap 1: ''Press releases''===
During this year of doubt, we will look at doubts that we think are or should be important.
Bankers having no doubts about themselves nor doubting each other partly caused our society to shake to its foundations. This is one big example why triggering doubt within economics isn't such a bad idea. Guided by economic experts we question modern day economics. To do so, there will be various activities like games (LARP) that will make us empathise with different social/economic roles, help us gain insights in economic systems and make us think of new economic possibilities that we as citizens can achieve. Themes could be: value, sharing, scarcity and income inequality.
Door de mysterie en onbekendheid van het eiland te gebruiken willen we vanuit dit principe een Hype creëren die brede doelgroepen gaat aantrekken. Door het bedenken van een urban myth behouden we het mysterie van het eiland en laten we mensen vrij interpreteren wat er gaande is. We verspreiden persberichtingen om in te spelen op nieuwsgierigheid. In het eerste persbericht wordt waardevol materiaal gevonden op het eiland. Het vinden van waardevol materiaal staat symbool voor het ontdekken van de waarde van [[twijfel]]. De opeenvolgende persberichten zorgen voor meer mysterie rond de mythe van het eiland.
===== Ecology =====
The Van Brienenoord Eiland's nature might be beautiful, but it's also very much disturbed by the city's industry. The ground looks greyish, the ponds have minimal current, the flora isn't very vital and you can see its soil is polluted because of the many blackberry bushes trying to heal it. There's no doubt our society has environmental issues. Are there things we can learn from the island's nature that can help us gain insight in our urban ecology and help us improve it? Guided by Van Brienenoord Eiland's very own forest ranger and various ecologists and landscape architects, we will question our urban ecology. An excursion through the island's nature will include demonstrations and lectures on how our consumerist behaviour relates to the deterioration of our planet's ecology, followed by an open debate about how we as citizens can change this.
[[File:krantenknipsels.jpg|800px| PressRelease]]
===== Relations =====
When you think about doubt in relation to relationships, you probably think there's something wrong. But because of its reflective function, doubt can be very powerful within this context. In order for relationships to grow and strengthen, you will very much need it. Expressing your doubts within any kind of relationship can be hard; it can result in very emotional situations. Can accepting doubt make expressing and receiving doubts more bearable? Guided by psychologists and anthropologists we will rethink relationships. By holding contests between teams, putting these teams through heavy emotional and physical situations, we will test and gain insights on what it takes to have a sustainable relationship.
===== Science =====
There's been a lot of scientific research by different scientists on similar subjects with different outcomes. This makes us non-scientists who expect science to be The Truth doubt if it is so. Is this expectation always realistic? There's no doubt scientists strive for certainty and answers, but the road towards it must be full of doubt. We think scientists and non-scientists should get together and doubt about what science is and what to expect from it. In order to do this, we will switch roles by performing each other's science-based activities. This will make scientists and non-scientists empathise with each other. This will be followed by a discussion on how each group experienced the exercise.
[[File:re-openingIsland.jpg | thumbnail ]]
====Business Model====
In order to develop towards an autonomous think, make and work place for and about the future of the city we need a business plan.  
===Stap 2: ''Kick-off''===
The masterclass came up with the following ideas to act as guidelines for this business plan for the future.
[[File:Brug.jpg|Start van de game]] [[File:gameuitleg2.jpg]]<br />
* Extreme cost-reduction: no alarm, no insurance, no electricity etc.
<br />
* No dependency on external funders for the operations budget. We can make profit from renting the location to external parties.
* A limited number of people to run the office.
* 'Artist/writer/thinker in residence' programme: in exchange for rent these people can work/live on the island.
* Cultural subsidies and/or funding to be sought for the cultural and substantive programme.
* Develop our own products to generate a modest amount of money.
* Act as a breeding place for new civic entrepreneurs; start-ups have a lasting investment in the island.
* Summer weekends with catering.
De tijd tikt langzaam weg. Wanneer de klok 00:00:00 bereikt zal de brug na beneden gaan. De deelnemers kunnen nu het eiland betreden waarna de brug weer omhoog zal gaan waardoor niemand het eiland kan verlaten. 
''Doubters inc. was formed during The masterclass '''The Civic Economy''' during the '''Redesigning Business Week''' organised by the WdKA, Rotterdam, and came together at Eiland van Brienenoord in november 2014.''
The game begins! Iedere deelnemer kan een controller bemachtigen die hangen aan de brug. Via deze controllers beantwoord je de vragen die over het eiland uitgezonden worden.  
''Doubters inc. consist of the following participants:''
Wanneer je verschillende antwoorden hebt gegeven leidt de controller je naar een plaats op het eiland doormiddel van trilling. Je hebt je bestemming bereikt wanneer de controller oplicht. Op deze plaats zal je andere deelnemers ontmoeten en verschillende experts. [[File:150098-950-634 copy.jpg|De controllers die oplichten bij plaats van bestemming|thumbnail]]
* ''[http://www.carlischenkeveld.nl/ Carli Schenkeveld] (lifestyle)''
* ''Otske Pennin (spatial design)''
* ''[http://gabriellameijer.hotglue.me/ Gabriëlla Meijer] (fine art)''
* ''Kai Chung Ip''
* ''[http://www.loumuuse.com Lou Muuse] (lifestyle)''
* ''[http://www.pinkponyexpress.nl/ Jessica Hammalund Bergmann]''
* ''Maurice Specht (developer & clubhouse owner)''
* ''[http://www.cargocollective.com/delamontagnes/ Wessel van den Berge](graphic design)''
* ''Dennis Wuisman (graphic design)''
* ''Maarten van Blokland (TU)''
* ''[http://ateliermonte.com/ Isaac Monté]''
* ''Liza Koch (lifestyle)''
* ''Natascha Goed (product design)''
* ''[http://www.tabogoudswaard.nl/ Tabo Goudswaard]''
* ''[http://www.optrek.org/ Sabrina Lindemann]''
* ''Miek Walda (entrepreneur)''
* ''Hanako Lodder (esoteric feng shui expert)''
De twijfel objecten dragen bij aan steeds een andere context voor twijfel te generen. Er wordt geëxperimenteerd in de vorm waarin je gaat twijfelen en de gebouwen dragen daar aan bij.  Dit zou een damp wolk kunnen zijn,
''The masterclass was hosted and guided by Isaac Monté ([http://beyond-social.org/wiki/index.php/Sweatshop_Deluxe Sweatshop Deluxe]) and Maurice Specht (De Makers van Rotterdam) and organised and guided by Jessica Bergmann (Pink Pony Express).''
[[File:huisjes.jpg|Twijfel objecten voorbeelden|thumbnail]]
''Location: [http://maatschappelijkvastgoedbeweegt.blogspot.nl/2013/03/de-arend-en-de-zeemeeuw-gedreven-om-een.html Clubhouse "De Arend en de Zeemeeuw"], [http://www.natuurvereniging-ijsselmonde.nl/eropuit/brienenoord2.php Eiland Van Brienenoord 5 (Van Brienenoord Island)], Rotterdam.''
The time is ticking away. When the clock reaches zero the bridge opens to enter the island. When all the guests are on the island the bridge rises again.  
The game begins!
Everybody gets a controller, which makes it possible to answer different questions being announced over the whole island. After answering a few questions the controller leads you into a certain direction. The controller vibrates guides you into a structure, when the controller illuminates, you found your destination.
Different structures were built on the island as a metaphor for different kinds of doubts. Physical dynamic structures that changes form to accommodate different kinds of doubt.
===Personal Doubt Appendix===
===Stap 3: ''Programmering''===
===== I doubt that ... =====
"At the moment I'm doubting my graduation internship. My interest is in acoustics, but I am also interested in architecture and sustainability. A combination of these would be awesome, but I haven't found an internship that contains these three interests. And if I don't, then which one will I be able to most excel in? Which interest fits what partner and supervisor? Will this result in a new experience? Or will it be the same path I've already gone down a thousand times? I just don't know yet."
We gaan in dit twijfeljaar opzoek naar welke vormen twijfel kan aannemen en dit doen we op basis van vier thema’s.
===== Economie =====
Economisch twijfelen, hier doen we het in het openbaar. Samen met economische experts die alle verstand hebben van de economie, nemen we de economie in twijfel om tot nieuwe inzichten te komen.
We twijfelen, denken na over de economie waar we nu in leven en hoe we het vanuit verschillende oogpunten kunnen bekijken. Hoe wordt er met geld om gegaan in onze westerse wereld? Hoe kunnen we anders met geld omgaan? Hoe kunnen we geld in iets positiefs veranderen, in plaats van dat er juist heel veel gebrek aan is? We nemen de economie in twijfel en willen zo tot nieuwe
===== Ecologie =====
===== I doubt that ... =====
We twijfelen vanuit een ecologisch oogpunt samen met de boswachter en ecologen, die alles weet over het eiland en de natuur.
We denken na over de ecologie op het eiland en in ons land. Hoe kunnen we de ecologie verbeteren op een kleinschaligere manier? Hoe kunnen we goed zijn voor de groene omgeving om ons heen en wat heeft deze groene omgeving ons te bieden dan alleen maar een wandeling door het park?
De ecologie op het eiland is deels verstoord waar het eiland onder de brienenoordbrug doorloopt. Het vervuilde regenwater stroomt tussen de wegen door het eiland op, waardoor je kan zien dat dat een hele negatieve uitwerking heeft op de grond van het eiland. Er groeien bijna geen planten en de grond ziet er grauwig uit. We twijfelen over de verschillende manieren om hoe dit te kunnen oplossen.
"The doubt of whether you make intuitive or rational decisions. Society teaches us to make rational ones, some of which are even expected of us. Because of this we become more disconnected from our feelings, which is bad because in my case most of my best choices come from the heart. I doubt about whether I should listen to my heart, my first thought, my feeling or my intuition. Or should I make rational choices with the knowledge I have. For me this is a choice between security and happiness."
===== Relaties =====
Twijfelen over relaties; je zou denken dat er dan iets mis is. Maar het is juist goed om te twijfelen over de verschillende relaties die we hebben in ons leven. Het durven twijfelen over wat soms zeker is of lijkt geeft nieuwe inzichten om de personen waarmee je omgaat op een andere wijze te benaderen. Door ervaringen te delen kunnen we elkaar helpen.
Twijfelen geeft ruimte om na te denken over zaken waar je normaal niet over durft na te denken of verstopt om jezelf of een ander te beschermen, terwijl het goed is om juist jezelf te confronteren met deze zaken om relaties aan te gaan die gebasseerd zijn op eerlijkheid en eerlijkheid geeft vertrouwen.
===== Wetenschap =====
Als er iets is waar mensen over twijfelen is dat de wetenschap. Oneindig veel wetenschappelijke onderzoeken over zaken waar een normaal leek nooit over zou nadenken. We krijgen het voorgeschoteld en gaan er over nadenken, we twijfelen of we dit moeten aannemen, omdat er diverse onderzoeken zijn geweest over hetzelfde onderwerp en waar elk onderzoek een andere uitkomst heeft.
De wetenschap twijfelt ook. De wetenschap bestaat uit twijfel, opzoek naar zekerheid en antwoorden. Op het eiland is er alle ruimte voor ons allemaal om een wetenschapper te zijn samen met echte professionele wetenschappers en onderzoekers en oneindig te onderzoeken of tot we onze eigen waarheid hebben gevonden.
==Verdienmodel Twijfel==
===== I doubt that ... =====
Om het Eiland te ontwikkelen tot een autonome denk- maak, en werkplek voor en over de toekomst van de stad ziet het business-model er op dit moment in zijn meest simpele vorm als volgt uit:
"In the past I doubted about everything, which made me very vulnerable, insecure and frustrated. It made me indecisive, which I was very aware of as a child. This made me sad. In my teenage years things were a little less hard, because I knew a little more about what I wanted in life. I couldn't explain it though, but at least I was making decisions following my intuition. Since I got to know myself better, a lot of my daily life doubts slowly disappeared.
* Extreme kostenreductie: geen alarm, geen verzekering, zelf stroom opwekken etc.  
* Voor de explotatiebegroting niet afhankelijk van externe financiers, maar uit verhuur aan externe partijen geld te genereren: heidagen, locatietheater, workshops.
* Er kan door een beperkt aantal mensen kantoor worden gehouden
* Artist/Writer/Thinker-in-residence programma:  tegen een huurbedrag mogen deze gedurende 2/3 maanden werken/wonen op het Eiland
* Voor culturele en inhoudelijke programmering zullen we niet schuwen om aanspraak te maken op culturele subsidies/fondsen van gemeente, lokale en nationale fondsen.
* Zelf producten ontwikkelen op het Eiland die een bescheiden winst opleveren
* Fungeren als broedplaats voor nieuwe civic entrepeneurs: de start-ups investeren blijvend in het eiland.
* Zomerweekenden met lichte horeca (inschuifkoks)
==Succesvolle voorbeeldprojecten The Civic Economy==
The only thing is that the doubts that do remain are a lot deeper. I question why we're so harsh to one another in this society and I doubt that it is humane. Doubts about the status-quo, massive corporations, the economy, politics, the food industry, the fast-fashion industry, the medical industry, banks, housing associations, and so on.
===De Ceuvel===
These organisations are too big for me to understand; they're not transparent and therefore don't trust them. I doubt that they are sustainable; I doubt that they are social. I doubt if they can continue this big or that we should continue on a more humane scale. New collectives built on trust, love and sharing should emerge, so that we can continue with less doubt about things that are too big to understand."
De Ceuvel werd bekroond voor de frame van Public Dutch Award. Het is één van de meest duurzame en unieke stedelijke ontwikkelingen in Europa. De Ceuvel is een geplande werkplaats voor creatieve en sociale ondernemingen naast de van Hasselt kanaal uit het IJ in Amsterdam-Noord. Het land werd vastgezet voor een 10-jarige huurovereenkomst van de gemeente Amsterdam. Nadat een groep van initiatiefnemers de offerte won werd de kavel getransformeerd in een regeneratieve stedelijke oase.
De voormalige industrie terrein is langzamerhand omgevormd tot de meest unieke en duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling in Europa. Huisboten worden ge-upgrade tot kantoren, ateliers of workshops voor creatieve en sociale ondernemers. Ook publieke restaurants als Ceuvel Café en Bed & Breakfast zijn onderdeel van het plan. Verder wordt er in het Ceuvel Café ook voor optredens, exposities en onderzoeken gecreëerd. Voor meer informaties, zie
[http://deceuvel.nl www.deceuvel.nl]
===HAKA Recycle Office Rotterdam===
===== I doubt that ... =====
Het oud HAKA-gebouw was herbestemd tot een campus voor clean tech bedrijvigheid. Het was een Living Lab voor bedrijven, instellingen en overheden die op het gebied van energie en water hun kennis en onderzoek bundelen. Het doel was om de interieur van afvalstromen te maken t.b.v. de reducering van CO2. Zo zijn verschillende objecten van afvalstromen gecreëerd als bijvoorbeeld een entreebalie van panlatten en nog veel meer. Ook waren verschillende gemengde flexibele functies als auditorium, wisseltentoonstelling, vergaderruimte, horeca, tijdelijke werkplekken en flexplekken ingevuld in het gebouw.  
"When I'm done studying, I'll travel the world. There are so many places I wish to see and so many adventures I want to have.  
Should I go alone? Or should I find a travel companion?
I don't know if I'm that good at being alone.
Een ander belangrijk onderdeel was het betrekken van een team van ex-gedetineerden en werklozen bij de uitvoering van het project. Hierdoor was een besparingsfactor van ca. 4,5 t.o.v. professionals mogelijk te realiseren. Toekomstbeeld: verdeling van geldstroom meer naar de sociale componenten om leertrajecten op te zetten met opleidingsinstituten. Voor meer informatie, zie
I would love to do some voluntary work in order to help people in need, but after reading the news I doubt if these people will benefit from it."
[http://www.doepelstrijkers.com/#/projects/70/ HAKA Recycle Office Rotterdam]
[[File:haka recycle office rotterdam.jpg|thumbnail]]
===DNA Charlois===
DNA Charlois is een social enterprise, opererend in Rotterdam. Het bedrijf richt zich op het verbinden van de culturele diversiteit in de wijk Charlois, de creativiteit van Rotterdamse ontwerpers en de maatschappelijke betrokkenheid van bedrijven en non-profit organisaties in Rotterdam. Een van de ruim 160 culturen in Rotterdam Charlois wordt door een van de honderden designers en kunstenaars uit Rotterdam "vertaald" naar een custom made object dat al naar gelang de wensen en doelstellingen van de opdrachtgever schaalbaar en vermenigvuldigbaar is.
De objecten van DNA Charlois kunnen voor allerlei doelen ontworpen en geproduceerd worden. Als bijvoorbeeld een introductie van een nieuw product of dienst; speciale gelegenheden als jubileum, opening; in- en externe communicatie; imago, huisstijl, etc.  
===== I doubt that ... =====
"Doubt is a lack of trust! Trust is something you can build, therefore the lack of trust can be conquered. Trust in yourself! Trust in someone else! Trust in love! What I would love to have is 100% trust in everything. That I never have to doubt again. But therefore I trust to doubt."
Met DNA Charlois ontstaat een nieuwe community van 160 bewoners, culturen, ontwerpers, opdrachtgevers en werknemers die met elkaar zijn verbonden door het project en de tastbare uiting daarvan: de 160 designobjecten. Gezamenlijk leveren deze partijen een wezenlijke bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van werkgelegenheid en welzijn in Rotterdam Charlois.  
===== I doubt that ... =====
Voor meer informatie, zie [http://www.dnacharlois.nl/ http://www.dnacharlois.nl/]
"The biggest doubt I have at the moment is a very important one for my future. It's a doubt between choices... What to do after school? Do you want to choose your passion, the unknown, where you enter the intangible? Or do you want to choose more security, the more concrete future, but at the same time fewer opportunities. It's a doubt between choices where you think you know the future but where you certainly don't know the future. You have the easy money, but not the fun, or you have to work harder, take more risks and wait longer for the same result (in this case money). The thing is that nothing is wrong, there are more answers and there surely will always be more questions to doubt about."
==Minder succesvolle voorbeeldprojecten [[The Civic Economy]]==
===== I doubt that ... =====
Apple is een multifunctioneel Amerikaanse corporatie die consumentenelektronica produceert, zoals computers, mobiele telefoons en online services. Hoewel ze overwegend succesvol zijn geweest hebben hun productie-methoden waar enorme hoeveelheden harde arbeid heeft gekost tot veel kritiek geleid. Apple heeft veel kritiek gekregen voor het gebruik van slavenarbeid, vernietiging van het milieu, en onethische praktijken als gevolg van de methode die zij ondernemen om elektronica te produceren.  
"For me, my designership through the years has been and will always be full of doubt. It's all about making decisions and if you would know everything, then there would be nothing new to learn. So when I'm working on a project and I have doubts, it simply means there's things I don't know yet. A moment that I find very exciting is the moment that I am going to learn something new. This can be knowledge, skills or often a new visual input that is inspiring. Most of the time I solve this myself by doing research, but sometimes it helps to speak to someone who I trust and who I think is able to make my doubts disappear. In the past, teachers, fellow student/designers and supervisors have been the ones for me.
Het voormalige systeem van de Apple producten was open en sleutelbaar. Normaal kon men aan zijn/haar eigen apparaat sleutelen. Tegenwoordig worden de Apple apparaten zo geproduceerd dat het systeem hermetisch gesloten is. Levensduur van apparaten wordt bijvoorbeeld veel korter dan eerst, en dat alleen om economische redenen. Voor meer informatie, zie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Apple_Inc.
===The Highline, New York===
==Doubters inc.[http://beyond-social.org/wiki/index.php/twijfel]==
Doubters incorporated geeft een podium aan [[twijfel]]aars.
* [http://www.carlischenkeveld.nl/ Carli Schenkeveld]
* Otske Pennin
* [http://gabriellameijer.hotglue.me/ Gabriëlla Meijer]
* Kai Chung Ip
* [http://www.loumuuse.com Lou Muuse]
* [http://www.pinkponyexpress.nl/ Jessica Hammarlund Bergmann]
* Maurice Specht
* [http://www.cargocollective.com/delamontagnes/ Wessel van den Berge]
* Dennis Wuisman
* Maarten van Blokland
* [http://ateliermonte.com/ Isaac Monté]
* Liza Koch
* Natascha Goed
* [http://www.tabogoudswaard.nl/ Tabo Goudswaard]
* [http://www.optrek.org/ Sabrina Lindemann]
* Miek Walda
* Hanako Lodder
I never felt that there wasn't any room for my doubts. The Academy and my internship have always been very supportive in that respect. This is why I do not associate doubt with a negative feeling and that's why it's not an issue for me. Maybe there's no room for doubt in the place where I will live in the future, a place beyond the Academy. A time where I might need the Island of Doubt."
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Latest revision as of 17:56, 6 December 2017

Just a few minutes outside the concrete jungle of Rotterdam Zuid, there's still a tiny piece of green situated beneath 'de van Brienenoord brug' on the Nieuwe Maas River. Most of the island is still untouched nature. To maintain a little human control, there are a few Schotse Hooglanders (Scottish Highland cows) placed on the island to graze.

Authors: Wessel van den Berge, Lou Muuse, Gabriëlla Meijer, Kai Chung, Dennis Wuisman and Carli Schenkeveld

A public 'free haven' for the civic economy?

Underneath one of the biggest bridges across the River Maas, a beautiful island houses wild nature, garden allotments and a former youth club house: 'De Arend en de Zeemeeuw'. De Makers van Rotterdam and Sandersgeluk current manage this clubhouse. They plan to use the location as a work space, but more importantly as a public 'free haven' with tremendous potential: a place where the powers of social and cultural imagination are brought together. During the Willem de Kooning Academy's Redesigning Business Event (November 2014), this idea of a free haven for 'makers', 'thinkers', 'doers' and 'dreamers' was further explored during a five day long masterclass on the Eiland van Brienenoord itself.

Eiland van Brienenoord was created in the 19th century, when sludge plates where formed in the Nieuwe Maas. These plates grew and became attached to each other and started to be overgrown with reeds and bushes. Over time a wide variety of plants, trees, flowers and bushes grew, which eventually made the island highly suitable as a home for birds, butterflies and insects. Together the plants & animals sustain a little ecosystem on the island which is still largely intact. All of this, from the sudden emergence of an island and it eventually harbouring a lovely piece of untouched nature, make Eiland van Brienenoord a pretty unique spot in an ever growing city like Rotterdam. In the course of the 20th century, part of the island was reserved for allotments to give the residents of Rotterdam enjoyable gardens. This is fitting for a city where 68% of the housing consists of apartments.

View on the Van Brienenoord bridge

Under the van Brienenoord bridge

Maurice Specht, one of the founders of De Makers van Rotterdam, sees Eiland van Brienenoord as the perfect place to withdraw from the harsh, noisy and rapid city life. Isolated from what is going on in downtown Rotterdam, the island is really tranquil. A true oasis of peace where you can enjoy birds whistling and the smell of fresh air. That said, you can still see the Kop van Zuid's skyline & hear the traffic passing over the Van Brienenoord Bridge in the background. But the daily city life is left behind on the other side of the island's drawbridge. It seems an ideal place to talk, reflect and debate modern day society, given that it is almost the opposite environment from where you see the city from another perspective. Maurice asked the participants of the masterclass to come up with innovative ways to make this island useful in this debate, without damaging the grounds and changing it radically. To turn it into a haven for creative, social and business entrepreneurs and everyone else who has input to the concept. He set some guidelines including two key principles: one, there should be room for doubt & two, it should 'tot de verbeelding spreken' (be visually appealing).

Facilitating the emerging civic economy in Rotterdam

Many cities are increasingly witnessing the emergence of new forms of ownership: the consumer society is turning into a civic economy. In recent years in Rotterdam, a number of social initiatives and subsidy-free enterprises have been founded such as Hotspot Hutspot, Leeszaal Rotterdam West and Sweatshop Deluxe. Neighbourhood initiatives like Zorgvrijstaat Rotterdam West, strive for more autonomy from citizens. They want to make people aware, stimulate them and guide them to create networks to solve their own problems. Their focus is on solving social issues through social, cultural and artistic interventions. Wouldn't it be nice if these initiatives could take some distance from their field of work, live in a different environment with different disciplines in order to reflect, gain new insights and develop their competences every once in a while?

Both De Makers van Rotterdam as well as Sanders Geluk intend to facilitate this process on Eiland van Brienenoord. The mission of De Makers van Rotterdam is to identify and strengthen social entrepreneurship in Rotterdam, and to stimulate discussion on the subject. The team consists of a philosopher, a public administrator and a cultural programmer. Makerscollectief Sandersgeluk puts together social projects in the broadest sense of the term, and consists of a theatre producer, a visual artist and the same cultural programmer mentioned above.

The Year of Doubt

The masterclass participants, coming from different educational institutes in Rotterdam, proposed 'doubt' as the central theme for the development of the island. The reason for this is that there seems to be no room for doubt in our society: you're expected to make convincing decisions. And if you don't, you're considered weak. Think about how we judge politicians, scientists and business people. A lot of contemporary companies and organisations try to solve problems by using old methods. Wouldn't it be nice if they would just admit that they can't solve some problems? If there's more room for doubt, for "not-knowing" there's room for creativity, coming from all kinds of disciplines. New collaborations could arise that could to search for new methods to tackle these obstacles. A doubt oriented development would consist of different steps. The first steps take place in the first year, the Year of the Doubt. There are three steps in this year.

Step 1: Urban Myth, a Pull Strategy

We want to reach a broad target group comprising business people, creatives, politicians, craftsmen and scientists. Our goal is to get these people together on the island to share their knowledge with each other using doubt as a means. Using the mystery and unfamiliarity of the island, we propose to create a hype. By creating an urban myth, we want to make people curious and allow them to give their own interpretation of what's going on. We will issue three press releases. The first one's about new valuable material being found on the island, which metaphorically refers to discovering the value of doubt. The next two will be about activity and discovery, and will make the mystery more convincing and therefore make readers even more curious.



Step 2: The Game, a Kick-off

Start van de game

Time's ticking away slowly. When the clock reaches "00:00:00", the bridge will fall down and the participants can enter the island. Once they've all entered, the bridge rises again, so the entire island becomes isolated. Let the game begin!

At the beginning each participant will get a controller. The controller will ask several questions about the island. Once all these questions have been answered, the controller will lead you to a place on the island by using vibrations. When the controller lights up, you've reached your goal. Here you will meet other participants. Different structures built on the island act as metaphors for different kinds of doubts and serve to kick-off the next phase. They are physical dynamic structures that change form to accommodate different kinds of doubt.

Examples: Objects of doubt

Step 3: Programming essential themes

During this year of doubt, we will look at doubts that we think are or should be important.


Bankers having no doubts about themselves nor doubting each other partly caused our society to shake to its foundations. This is one big example why triggering doubt within economics isn't such a bad idea. Guided by economic experts we question modern day economics. To do so, there will be various activities like games (LARP) that will make us empathise with different social/economic roles, help us gain insights in economic systems and make us think of new economic possibilities that we as citizens can achieve. Themes could be: value, sharing, scarcity and income inequality.


The Van Brienenoord Eiland's nature might be beautiful, but it's also very much disturbed by the city's industry. The ground looks greyish, the ponds have minimal current, the flora isn't very vital and you can see its soil is polluted because of the many blackberry bushes trying to heal it. There's no doubt our society has environmental issues. Are there things we can learn from the island's nature that can help us gain insight in our urban ecology and help us improve it? Guided by Van Brienenoord Eiland's very own forest ranger and various ecologists and landscape architects, we will question our urban ecology. An excursion through the island's nature will include demonstrations and lectures on how our consumerist behaviour relates to the deterioration of our planet's ecology, followed by an open debate about how we as citizens can change this.


When you think about doubt in relation to relationships, you probably think there's something wrong. But because of its reflective function, doubt can be very powerful within this context. In order for relationships to grow and strengthen, you will very much need it. Expressing your doubts within any kind of relationship can be hard; it can result in very emotional situations. Can accepting doubt make expressing and receiving doubts more bearable? Guided by psychologists and anthropologists we will rethink relationships. By holding contests between teams, putting these teams through heavy emotional and physical situations, we will test and gain insights on what it takes to have a sustainable relationship.


There's been a lot of scientific research by different scientists on similar subjects with different outcomes. This makes us non-scientists who expect science to be The Truth doubt if it is so. Is this expectation always realistic? There's no doubt scientists strive for certainty and answers, but the road towards it must be full of doubt. We think scientists and non-scientists should get together and doubt about what science is and what to expect from it. In order to do this, we will switch roles by performing each other's science-based activities. This will make scientists and non-scientists empathise with each other. This will be followed by a discussion on how each group experienced the exercise.

Business Model

In order to develop towards an autonomous think, make and work place for and about the future of the city we need a business plan.

The masterclass came up with the following ideas to act as guidelines for this business plan for the future.

  • Extreme cost-reduction: no alarm, no insurance, no electricity etc.
  • No dependency on external funders for the operations budget. We can make profit from renting the location to external parties.
  • A limited number of people to run the office.
  • 'Artist/writer/thinker in residence' programme: in exchange for rent these people can work/live on the island.
  • Cultural subsidies and/or funding to be sought for the cultural and substantive programme.
  • Develop our own products to generate a modest amount of money.
  • Act as a breeding place for new civic entrepreneurs; start-ups have a lasting investment in the island.
  • Summer weekends with catering.

Doubters inc. was formed during The masterclass The Civic Economy during the Redesigning Business Week organised by the WdKA, Rotterdam, and came together at Eiland van Brienenoord in november 2014.

Doubters inc. consist of the following participants:

The masterclass was hosted and guided by Isaac Monté (Sweatshop Deluxe) and Maurice Specht (De Makers van Rotterdam) and organised and guided by Jessica Bergmann (Pink Pony Express).

Location: Clubhouse "De Arend en de Zeemeeuw", Eiland Van Brienenoord 5 (Van Brienenoord Island), Rotterdam.

Personal Doubt Appendix

I doubt that ...

"At the moment I'm doubting my graduation internship. My interest is in acoustics, but I am also interested in architecture and sustainability. A combination of these would be awesome, but I haven't found an internship that contains these three interests. And if I don't, then which one will I be able to most excel in? Which interest fits what partner and supervisor? Will this result in a new experience? Or will it be the same path I've already gone down a thousand times? I just don't know yet."

I doubt that ...

"The doubt of whether you make intuitive or rational decisions. Society teaches us to make rational ones, some of which are even expected of us. Because of this we become more disconnected from our feelings, which is bad because in my case most of my best choices come from the heart. I doubt about whether I should listen to my heart, my first thought, my feeling or my intuition. Or should I make rational choices with the knowledge I have. For me this is a choice between security and happiness."

I doubt that ...

"In the past I doubted about everything, which made me very vulnerable, insecure and frustrated. It made me indecisive, which I was very aware of as a child. This made me sad. In my teenage years things were a little less hard, because I knew a little more about what I wanted in life. I couldn't explain it though, but at least I was making decisions following my intuition. Since I got to know myself better, a lot of my daily life doubts slowly disappeared.

The only thing is that the doubts that do remain are a lot deeper. I question why we're so harsh to one another in this society and I doubt that it is humane. Doubts about the status-quo, massive corporations, the economy, politics, the food industry, the fast-fashion industry, the medical industry, banks, housing associations, and so on.

These organisations are too big for me to understand; they're not transparent and therefore don't trust them. I doubt that they are sustainable; I doubt that they are social. I doubt if they can continue this big or that we should continue on a more humane scale. New collectives built on trust, love and sharing should emerge, so that we can continue with less doubt about things that are too big to understand."

I doubt that ...

"When I'm done studying, I'll travel the world. There are so many places I wish to see and so many adventures I want to have. Should I go alone? Or should I find a travel companion? I don't know if I'm that good at being alone.

I would love to do some voluntary work in order to help people in need, but after reading the news I doubt if these people will benefit from it."

I doubt that ...

"Doubt is a lack of trust! Trust is something you can build, therefore the lack of trust can be conquered. Trust in yourself! Trust in someone else! Trust in love! What I would love to have is 100% trust in everything. That I never have to doubt again. But therefore I trust to doubt."

I doubt that ...

"The biggest doubt I have at the moment is a very important one for my future. It's a doubt between choices... What to do after school? Do you want to choose your passion, the unknown, where you enter the intangible? Or do you want to choose more security, the more concrete future, but at the same time fewer opportunities. It's a doubt between choices where you think you know the future but where you certainly don't know the future. You have the easy money, but not the fun, or you have to work harder, take more risks and wait longer for the same result (in this case money). The thing is that nothing is wrong, there are more answers and there surely will always be more questions to doubt about."

I doubt that ...

"For me, my designership through the years has been and will always be full of doubt. It's all about making decisions and if you would know everything, then there would be nothing new to learn. So when I'm working on a project and I have doubts, it simply means there's things I don't know yet. A moment that I find very exciting is the moment that I am going to learn something new. This can be knowledge, skills or often a new visual input that is inspiring. Most of the time I solve this myself by doing research, but sometimes it helps to speak to someone who I trust and who I think is able to make my doubts disappear. In the past, teachers, fellow student/designers and supervisors have been the ones for me.

I never felt that there wasn't any room for my doubts. The Academy and my internship have always been very supportive in that respect. This is why I do not associate doubt with a negative feeling and that's why it's not an issue for me. Maybe there's no room for doubt in the place where I will live in the future, a place beyond the Academy. A time where I might need the Island of Doubt."


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